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The Top 5 Questions About Artificial Grass: Answered!

The Top 5 Questions About Artificial Grass: Answered!

Artificial grass has become a popular choice for many homeowners and businesses in recent years. There are a lot of benefits to using artificial grass, but there are also some common questions that people have about it. In this blog post, we will answer the top 5 questions about artificial grass!

Installing artificial grass is one of the best processes that you can experience for your garden. Once the process begins it is quick to install yet there are a few questions you should ask beforehand.

When you take the journey to install artificial grass, it is best to have as much knowledge about the process as possible. Having knowledge about the process helps you understand everything that’s happening in your garden.

What are the top 5 questions about artificial grass are:

  1. How is artificial grass different from regular grass?
  2. What are the benefits of artificial turf?
  3. How much is artificial grass?
  4. Is artificial grass safe for pets and children?
  5. What types of maintenance does artificial turf require?

1. How is artificial grass different from regular grass?

Artificial grass is very similar to regular grass. The main difference between the two is that regular grass needs sunlight, water, and nutrients to grow, while artificial turf does not. Artificial Grass is synthetic which means it is made to look like artificial grass and requires no maintenance.

2. What are the benefits of artificial turf?

Some benefits of installing artificial turf include no more mowing, no more watering, and it stays green all year long! Another great benefit of installing synthetic turf is that it requires little to no maintenance. No more spending every day watering or fertilizing the lawn just make sure it's green and alive. A good way to save time and money!

3. How much is artificial grass?

The price of artificial grass depends on the quality and quantity that you purchase. Whilst in Konzept Garden three different types of grass to be chosen from, Valu30, Cruz30 and Premium 35. Here is the Price Range and difference of the grass NobleGrass (Synthetic Artificial Grass)

4. Is artificial grass safe for pets and children?

When it comes to safety, artificial turf is safe for both children and pets. The turf is made up of a number of different materials, including nylon, polyethylene, or recycled tires. These materials are all non-toxic and safe for kids and animals to play on.

5. What types of maintenance does artificial turf require?

As far as maintenance goes, artificial turf requires very little upkeep. You will need to occasionally brush the grass to keep it looking fresh but other than that there is not much else you need to do!

Why choose NobleGrass?

NobleGrass is Safe. It’s a Non-toxic. Convenient. Inexpensive. Freshly-trimmed-looking grass all the time. It doesn’t need lawn care, mowing, or watering. It’s gorgeous every day of the year, too! Eco-friendly, kid-friendly, and pet-friendly grass that’s a cut above the rest. (By that, we also mean you can get customized cuts for your needs.)


NobleGrass is The Grass of the Future. And it’s here now. Make your artificial grass choice the right one. For more tips for artificial grass, check out our blogs.

Watch the Video The Top 5 Questions About Artificial Grass: Answered!
