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Start Your Garden Today: A Beginner's Guide - Konzept Garden
If you already have an idea what type of garden you wish to have and you have pick the place, let’s wait no more and we shall start; 1. Clear the ground If you have grass growing in your new garden spot, dig it up with a spade or sod cutter.  2. Dig it up It’s times for digging. Dig up new garden, removing any rocks, roots, or other debris. If you have poor soil, don’t worry you may incorporate with Hydro Soil ( if you wish to have the hydro Soil, head over to Konzept Garden near Klang Valley) 3. Edge Your New Bed Keep the lawn from crawling into your garden with a good edge. A trench about 8 inches deep and a couple of inches wide will stop even the worst invaders from crossing.  4. Site your plants Yes it will take time, placing all your plants before you put them in the ground. This allows you get the spacing just right and your plants will look nicely done.  5. Get Planting When you know all of your plants are in exactly the right spots, plant them in the ground. It’s helpful to loosen or tease the plants’ roots before you put them in the ground, especially if they were root-bound. 6. Water It In Once your plants is properly place and you are happy with the result, it is time for you to give your plants a good soaking.  Easy right? However if you a beginner we would suggest you start with small plants –  for example with Aglaonema Red or Dracaena Plant. Not sure where to find this particular plant, head over to the nearest local Nursery (Konzept Garden). 