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Modern Planter and planter pots design | indoor and outdoor planter

I got all 3 sizes, it perfect for my garden. tq. My garden was empty has no planter at all, but when I approach konzept garden they give me the idea to add this planter.


Ziant Hydro Planter | Granite Series-zp013s [planter & planter pots]

Suitable for Indoor & Outdoor
Two-color: White & Gray
Size: It has (S,M,L) but for the online store available only size S. If you interested in other sizes please connect with our Team.


The best planter & planter pots for indoor or outdoor! Don't let your garden or balcony empty.

Ziant Hydro Planter pots have a special drainage system, which saves water and reduces the watering frequency, making it more convenient for users.  The series Granite name come from it's texture of the pot is granite therefore, it is lightweight yet more durable.

Suitable for Indoor & Outdoor
Two-colour: White & Gray
Size: It has (S,M,L) but for the online store available only size S. If you interested in other sizes please connect with our Team.

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