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TIPS Archives - Page 7 of 10 - Konzept Garden
Tips Berkebun Dirumah

Tips Berkebun Dirumah

Pada hari yang cerah dan nyaman, anda terasa ingin berkebun. Sebelum anda pergi mencangkul dan membuka paket biji benih, apa kata lihat tip-tip ini untuk anda berjaya berkebun. Kami mempunyai 10 tips untuk anda mencubaai, tetapi hari ini kami akan memulakan dengan...
Grow your own Chilli Peppers

Grow your own Chilli Peppers

Just because you don’t have a garden to grow peppers doesn’t mean that you can’t grow them. Growing peppers in planters are easy. Peppers, especially chilli peppers, hold a special place in many gardens. These vibrant and delicious vegetables are fun to grow and can...
Who knows this plant ‘Dianella Lily Grass’

Who knows this plant ‘Dianella Lily Grass’

Sometimes, we asked what can we do with all these plant. We have seen this before, but yet the idea never came through to us. Yes I have that thinking everytime, but today I would like to show you.  I’m sure you have seen ​dianella lily grass – yeap thats...
Natural Mosquito Repellent

Natural Mosquito Repellent

Annoying mosquitoes. Everybody knows that they can be a huge nuisance. However, using chemical products to keep them away is not on the top of everyone’s wish list. Instead of going the chemical route, here is a collection of mosquito repelling plants to make mosquito...

Did You Know About Epson Salt?

EPSON SALT WILL HELP YOU GARDENING SKILLS.  To make your garden a wonderful place you should take after a couple of fundamental cultivating tips so you have an essential thought of what to develop in your garden and how to influence it to look vivid with a...
Gardening Low Maintenance For Busy Peeps…

Gardening Low Maintenance For Busy Peeps…

Low maintenance gardening so you can have your garden & eat it too! Many of us are busy these days, yet we also still wish to garden & have fresh healthy produce. Is it possible to have both? When you’re busy it helps to make your garden as...